Janina Stürner
Janina Stürner is a research fellow at the Centre for Area Studies of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, where she explores migration governance in complex multi-level systems. Taking a bottom-up perspective, she focuses on the interaction between cities, states, and regional/international actors in the realization of the Global Compacts for Migration and Refugees as well as in EU migration and integration policy-making. Furthermore, Janina Stürner analyses multi-stakeholder partnerships in urban displacement contexts on the African continent. As a policy-oriented researcher, she has developed studies, evaluations, and policy papers on behalf of organizations such as the European Commission, the Mediterranean City-to-City Migration Project (MC2CM), and various foundations. Janina Stürner is a member of the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN), the UNHCR Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network, and the Cities and Human Mobility Research Collaborative. Prior to joining the Centre for Area Studies, Janina Stürner worked as a refugee officer for the City of Stuttgart, where she led a qualitative study on the city’s integration strategies and initiated a new refugee empowerment concept in cooperation with migrant and refugee organizations. Combining her local experience with her transnational research allows her to analyze migration challenges and opportunities through a glocal lens. Janina Stürner holds a Franco-German master’s degree in International Relations with a special focus on migration policies and movements and a Franco-German bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences from Sciences Po Aix and the University of Freiburg.