The Institute of Human Sciences (IWM), in collaboration with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group (CRG) in Calcutta, launches a research platform on Forced Migration with a particular focus on South Asia and its European-Asian Dimension. This collaboration advances cooperation between European and South Asian institutions and academics, while working toward setting up a joint research platform for innovative knowledge production on forced migration and border regimes. The series of activities and workshops, which will be held in Vienna and Calcutta (see open call for application), aim to enhance research capacity, facilitate exchange of knowledge, and policy expertise in forced migration studies in and between Europe and South Asia. Bringing together scholars, policy makers and practitioners from different disciplines and regions, the platform aspires to decentering Europe-focused scholarship, debates, and policies on forced migration. It benefits from ongoing projects on Europe’s Futures, and networks evolving from workshops such as “The Global Compacts on Refugees and Migrants and the Architecture of Global Politics of Migration” organized in and by IWM as well as the Cities and Human Mobility Collaborative at the Zollberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at the New School for Social Research and the Research Platform on Urban Futures at University of Vienna.
Europe-Asia research platform on Forced Migration